The ZebraSafari in Kenya

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Christian's cousin, Daphne, who hosted us in Nairobi. Christian & Gisela feeding an endangered Maasai giraffe.
Maasai giraffe close-up. Maasai giraffe at a park near Nairobi.
An orphaned baby elephant at a Nairobi wildlife sanctuary. Painting of a Zebrabus.
Heading north
Crossing the Equator. A Samburu tribesman.
Northern Kenya. Northern Kenya.
The "Trans East African Highway" from Isiolo to Moyale. The "Trans East African Highway" from Isiolo to Moyale.
The "Trans East African Highway" between Isiolo & Moyale. The "Trans East African Highway" between Isiolo & Moyale.
Repairing damage to the Zebrabus in Marsabit. Gisela on fire control duty inside the ZebraBus.
The pink desert in northern Kenya. Giant anthill at our campsite in Moyale, Kenya.
Sarafina Rosa Katarina Lassie, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
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